Take our Quiz - Are you Ready for HRT?

Low Testosterone in Men

Low Testosterone, or “Low T”, is also known as andropause, “Mano-Pause”, male menopause, testicular hypogonadism and testicular hypofunction. No matter what it’s called these terms refer to a syndrome of hormonal changes creating symptoms that every man dreads: Low libido, weak erections, loss of muscle mass, increased body fat and cognitive decline.

The Male Low Testosterone Quiz is a first step in taking back control of your life. The symptoms of low testosterone may be confusing but if you answer “Yes” to any of these questions you may have low testosterone and at HRT-MD we can help.

Female Hormone Deficiency

Menopause should be the best years of your life … but right now it may not feel like it. Mood swings, hot flashes, vaginal dryness, low libido, coupled with brain fog, weight gain and difficulty sleeping are a far cry from the “best”. Women of all ages can fall victim to the various culprits of hormone imbalance. But where do you start?

The Female Hormone Quiz will help us determine whether you have a hormone problem. Many of the common symptoms may not be obvious to the layperson, but hormone deficiencies and imbalances can cause a myriad of frustrating and seemingly unrelated signs and symptoms. LET US HELP! Take our quiz and start to take back control of your life.

Male Low Testosterone Quiz

Do you have decrease in libido (sex drive)?

Do you have a lack of energy?

Do you have a decrease in strength and/or endurance?

Have you lost height?

Have you noticed a decreased “enjoyment of life”?

Are you sad and/or grumpy?

Are your erections less strong?

Have you noticed a recent deterioration in your ability to play sports?

Are you falling asleep after dinner?

Has there been a recent deterioration in your work performance?

Because you answered “Yes” to 3 or more questions, you have symptoms of low testosterone. CONTACT US or call (843) 919-4300 to learn how HRT-MD can help.
You answered “Yes” to less than 3 questions but HRT-MD still may be able to help.​​​​​​​ CONTACT US or call (843) 919-4300 to learn how HRT-MD can help.

Female Hormone Quiz

Do you experience hot flashes or night sweats?

Do you have difficulty sleeping?

Do you feel exhausted every day?

Are you experiencing vaginal dryness, painful intercourse or loss of bladder control?

Do you suffer joint pain, headaches or migraines?

Are you having forgetfulness or difficulty concentrating?

Do you suffer from bouts of rapid heart beats or anxiety symptoms?

Have you been gaining weight or find it difficult to lose weight?

Do you cry easily, feel depressed or become more emotional?

Have you had recent hair loss?

Because you answered “Yes” to 4 or more questions, you have symptoms of hormone imbalance. CONTACT US or call (843) 919-4300 to learn how HRT-MD can help.
You answered “Yes” to less than 4 questions but HRT-MD still may be able to help.​​​​​​​ CONTACT US or call (843) 919-4300 to learn how HRT-MD can help.

If you’re considering hormone replacement therapy or one of our age management programs and want to discuss your options, request a consultation or call (843) 919-4300 to schedule an appointment.

Our 3-Step Program

If you are interested in hormone replacement therapy or one of our health optimization programs start your journey with HRT-MD:

Visit HRT-MD

and one of our team members will obtain your initial blood work, explain the HRT-MD Programs, and answer any questions you may have.

Meet with an HRT-MD healthcare provider

to create a custom treatment program to address your individual goals and needs.

Start your treatment plan

and take back control of your life!

Contact Us